We have completed phase 1 of the tree felling works carried out prior to nesting season. The felling of the tree branches were carried out with trained Arboriculturalists on site who found no nesting birds within the Leylandii, the remainder of works will be carried out once planning permission is achieved.
The next stage of works while awaiting the grant of planning permission is to carry out site investigation into the drainage runs for our open storage plots to the south of the site. This work will take one day and will require the use of an excavator to survey the drainage runs.
This is not construction work and will inform the way ahead for the project. All effort will be made to minimise disruption including sticking to permitted working hours.
31st May 2021 at 5:50 pmPretty silly to chop down the trees to stop nesting birds when they haven’t even got planning permission… Now the residents of the odd side of campbell road to have to look at an absolute eyesore as well as getting all the crap and dust blowing over onto the houses. What is the plan for this?